• offshore software development


With an Executive team so well-versed in transportation – a combined 50+ years of rail domain engineering expertise – RI’s competitive advantage was staring us straight between the eyes. Rudram Infotech (RI) provides specialized, high-demand resource augmentation and staffing services to the transportation, aerospace, and defense industries. As the sister organization of an engineering services company, we’ve succeeded in architecting, leading, implementing, managing and maintaining some of the largest, complex, mission-critical rail and transportation projects in both the commercial and military industries.

We’ve not only executed these as managed teams, but RI’s consistently assembled the right pieces to ensure these jobs were completed successfully. RI is currently assisting deliver 1500+ engineers over the next 3 years to Canadian National Railway’s Positive Train Control project, the largest IoT project in world history! One of many rail-related projects that Ri supports.

If there is one thing we’ve learned expanding to the staffing and resource augmentation industry– trust is paramount. Our initial care, and genuineness often left us burned – this not only left RI shocked, appalled, and confused, but it taught the organization an invaluable lesson. While this industry is often tainted due to a lack of transparency and dishonesty, this is not us. This completely violates our values and simply is not what we stand for. RI’s clients receive first-class treatment, can rest easy knowing that we share full transparency (whether good or bad!), and should never once doubt the validity of what an RI employee says or a candidate that RI delivers. You are the client. If we have earned the honor to serve you, count on being treated with the utmost respect, as we look forward to welcoming you into our family.




Unique Pro Solutions

Dyna Plate

Unique Pro Solutions
Dyna Plate


With Direct Hire, Rudram Infotech finds the right person for you immediately. Provide us with the job description, timeline, details, and price range; and we’ll bring the best candidates to you. With a variety of strategic sourcing tools, the top recruiting talent in the business, and an immense database that consistently carries roughly 2000 active engineers – RI finds the right talent as quickly as you need it.

Once the top 10-12 candidates are narrowed down, RI performs a thorough background check, initial phone screen, and full interview with one of the Subject Matter Experts from its successful engineering services arm, Rudram Engineering, Inc. Without committing a dollar, the candidates are brought to you for an interview; and as our client, you make the final decision to whether you would like to hire them or not.

Each request is likely to be slightly different, and some may require more attention than others – either way, RI will get the job done, at a price that’s competitive, and at a quality that is unmatched.

  • offshore software development


What’s better than trying before you buy? One of RI’s most popular form of resource augmentation and staffing is through Contract-to-Hire agreements. As much as we’d like it to be true, some things just don’t work out. The candidate may not be inspired by the position; the candidate might not mesh with the team like you thought; your team no longer requires the person’s skills. The Contract-to-Hire model allows the client to try the candidate for maybe three, six, nine months at an hourly rate with no true commitment but an agreed upon all-inclusive hourly rate. If the candidate is as spectacular as we believe they’ll be, then you have the full opportunity to convert them to a full-time, permanent member of your organization. If the candidate, for whatever reason, does not work out – then you are free from all commitment!

Company-to-Company (C2C)

Sometimes you’ll require a niche worker for a certain amount of time to temporarily augment your workforce or for niche help completing a project. This is where the Company-to-Company (C2C) model comes in handy. While RI always gives the client the option to hire full-time, sometimes you may only need a resource for 6 months or a year. RI has niche talent in nearly every engineering position. All you pay is an all-inclusive, hourly rate at 40 hours/week once hired (no time off, vacation, benefits, etc.), and we will provide the optimal resource or even specialized niche expert team to help complete your project quickly at top quality.

Consulting Work/Temporary Expert Assistance

Rudram Infotech always goes the extra mile to ensure our clients get the job done right. There is a reason that we fulfill the defense and transportation industry’s top players needs with resources that have significant experience in the military or rail domain. Our staff has managed and proved to be vital resources to some of the most highly tactical, mission-critical military programs over the last decade. We have 3 Army Achievement Awards to show for it. RI is in the final stages of implementing a Positive Train Control (PTC) certification program for all new and existing rail consultants, which places RI candidates in a different league than the competition. If you’re that manager desperately searching for the long-term, trusted partner to solve your hiring needs; that manager that’s sick of the endless wave of companies that will lie straight to your face to make an extra buck; that manager who’s looking for the company that will have your task completed without ever uttering an excuse…take a deep breath in and exhale. Rudram Infotech is that company. We will show you how we deliver the optimal cost-savings solution; we will offer you a free candidate if the one we delivered isn’t meeting your high standards within 90 days; and to put a bow on top, RI is the company that over the past 19 months has only had one candidate leave an assignment – and it was due to shattered femur.

Don’t waste your time with anyone else, we’ve been through the ringer and back with staffing companies when we needed resource help with our engineering services company. This frustration made it such an obvious complementary service for us to help others. We could write a novel on the scams, tricks, and ploys staffing and resource augmentation companies used to use on us.

Rudram Infotech is here to flip the industry on its back. Bring us your hiring/resource pain points today, and we’ll work tirelessly until they’re filled correctly. Give us a risk-free try at filling just one position, feel the difference immediately.


As a Senior Account Manager at Cofomo, Rudram Infotech, and more specifically their hands-on staff has provided excellent support beyond anything we had ever expected. Like other Account Managers say about their Rudram support, Stephen Vitch is very engaging and always going the extra mile to win Canadian National Railway business.

Johnny DiPietroSenior Account Manager, COFOMO/CN

If you’re having trouble filling a position, give Rudram Infotech a call. Their team never lets me down when trying to fill a position quickly. Not only do they consistently produce exceptional results, but they treat you like a family member. With Rudram Infotech, you’ll get nothing but the best candidates and the best partners to work with. They are my only choice for any engineering resource augmentation and staffing needs.

Shailesh SohoniSenior Enterprise Manager, GE Transportation


Rudram Infotech is a fantastic organization to be a part of, with world-class management, recruiting industry leaders, a people-first/client-first overarching mantra, and the chance to work with some of the brightest engineers that are subject matter experts in their field. RI’s focus is on engineering, particularly in the aerospace and defense and transportation industries. The company has facilities across North America, as well as India, and serves companies both nationally and internationally.

At Rudram Infotech, the majority of our active engineering database is strategically sourced to possess the strongest candidates available within certain job areas of high demand. That said, we absolutely encourage you to send in your latest resume to hr@rudramengineering.com. Fit is essential, and our clients should always be able to count on that the candidates we deliver not only have the right skills, but that they plan to stay with that company long-term or at least for the duration of the contract or project. As you may have read above, we offer full-time, contract-to-hire, company-to-company, and temporary consulting opportunities. One thing you can guarantee on RI’s behalf, is that if you send in a resume, it will be reviewed. If it is a strong resume that we may be able to use now or in the near future, we will contact you immediately. If we believe that it could be used in the future, we will still contact you and let you know that we will be keeping an eye out for potential fits. The efforts of our recruiting staff to fulfill the needs of our clients’ and candidates are extraordinary. As many firms should agree, RI understands that the organization is only as strong as the people that work for us. There is no harm in submitting your resume, and we look forward to contacting you soon, and hopefully introducing you some day as a member of Rudram Infotech!